Why Spearfish
10 Reasons to do Business in Spearfish
Economy - Lower cost of living translates to lower cost of doing business. Regional Financial Associates (RFA) Inc. ranked South Dakota as the lowest cost state to do business.
Adventure - Rated by National Geographic’s Adventure Magazine as one of the “Top 50 Best Places” to live and play and one of only 8 cities selected as a “Hot Spot” in America, Spearfish continues to be a destination for visitors and new residents alike.
Fewer Taxes - No state personal income tax, no corporate income tax, no personal property tax and no business inventory tax.
Entrepreneurial - As reported by the Milkin Institute in 2013, South Dakota is ranked #1 as the lowest cost state to do business and ranked #1 “Environment for Entrepreneurs” by Small Business Survival Foundation in 2010.
Education -Ranked #1 in the United States with the most Internet-Connected Students and with a university producing highly-qualified graduates and an award-winning public education system, Spearfish continues to meet labor and training requirements of new and expanding businesses.
Assistance and Training - Our pro-business local, county and state governments offer several direct financial assistance programs and training incentives.
Infrastructure - Spearfish owns and manages a fully developed professional business/industrial park served by a state-of-the-art fiber optic telecommunications network.
Employment Costs - Spearfish businesses enjoy some of the lowest cost worker’s comp rates and unemployment insurance costs in the nation. Expansion Management Magazine recently rated the Black Hills area as having the lowest unemployment insurance rates in the nation.
Low Union Activity - Less than 1% of Spearfish’s labor force is involved in a union.
Labor - As a regional trade center with the state’s 3rd largest university, Spearfish businesses are supported by one of the region’s largest labor markets.